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Defect-o-tron ?

At recent SC 34 standards meetings, I've been thinking it would be useful to have XML models for all the documents we habitually have to deal with: agendas, meeting reports, proposals, defect reports and so on.

One particular focus for me at the moment is defect reports. Currently, I prepare these as XML documents conforming to the following home-brewed schema:

namespace xh = ""

start = comment-batch
any-xhtml =
  (element xh:* { any-xhtml }
   | attribute * { text }
   | text)+
comment-batch =
  element comment-batch {
    (attribute xml:lang { token }
     & attribute xml:id { token }),
spec = element spec { text }
submitter =
  element submitter {
    attribute type { token },
comment =
  element comment {
    attribute xml:id { token },
    (clause | corrigendum),
type = element type { "G" | "T" | "E" | "C" }
clause = element clause { text }
corrigendum = element corrigendum { text }
problem = element problem { any-xhtml }
proposal = element proposal { any-xhtml }
document = element document { text }
page = element page { text }

As you can see, it's pretty simple and leverages XHTML for the meat of the content (validation is left as an exercise for the reader). Using this, a comment on a Standard looks like this:

<comment xml:id="GB-AB-25" xmlns:xh="">
<document>ISO/IEC 29500-1:2008</document>
  <xh:p>The first and last items in the bulleted list are contradictory,
    since a document which uses the extensibility mechanisms of Part 3 cannot
    be valid to the Part 1 (or 4) schema.</xh:p>
  <xh:p>Furthermore, Part 1 need not mention the Part 4 schema here.</xh:p>
  <xh:p>Qualify the validity requirement with a caveat that such
    documents are pre-processed with the behaviour specified in Part 3
    (once that behaviour is described normatively).</xh:p>

Batches of comments are processing into XHTML documents (with XSLT) for review and correction, and – once approved – can then be forwarded for processing with the normal maintenance mechanisms. In the case of WG 4 (OOXML) there is a web form available for submission — but getting my nice XML into the form’s fields requires much tedious copy and pasting.

I suppose this bit can be automated with a programmatic HTTP client. But thinking about this also made me think the defect generation process can be (partly) automated. There are so many formulaic problems with the OOXML text that it should be possible to write programs which feed errors in the text directly into the maintenance process. Well, it would if it wasn’t for the various bureaucratic intervening processes. Hmmm, defect-o-tron anybody?